Date:2023-03-16 Tap:605
At present, aloe is a commonly used plant with high medicinal value, which has unique curative effects on constipation, burns, gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, constipation, stomatitis and other chronic diseases. At present, the mechanism of aloe development abroad has been relatively perfect and has gradually transformed into aloe products with high scientific content and added value.
Aloe vera contains various chemical components such as anthracene compounds, sugars, amino acids, various organic acids, active enzymes, minerals, trace elements, etc. These chemical components bring various pharmacological effects.
1. Healing effect
Aloe gel is used to treat trauma, which can promote the regeneration of damaged tissues. Its mechanism is that aloe gel increases the cross-linking between collagen and improves its tensile strength. Some ingredients of aloe extracted by 50% ethanol can promote wound healing.
2. Anticancer hepatoprotective effect
The anthracene derivatives in aloe vera have anti-tumor activity. Hydroxyanthrene derivatives and anthracene derivatives were extracted from aloe vera, and in vitro experiments have shown that they have strong killing effects on different tumor cells. Extracting anthracene substances from aloe vera has significant killing activity against tumor cells, and aloe vera has significant killing activity. This provides a reliable theoretical basis for the clinical treatment of various cancers. Experiments have shown that aloe vera decoction has the effect of restoring liver function, reducing triglycerides, and improving liver steatosis in alcoholic liver disease. Aloe emodin and emodin provide a reliable theoretical basis for the electron transfer and respiratory chain recombination of liver mitochondria. Inhibition of receptors, succinate dehydrogenase, and oxidase can significantly increase the content of glycogen and RNA in liver cells, promote liver blood circulation, improve liver blood oxygen supply function, and promote liver cell recovery and regeneration.
3. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects
Experiments have shown that aloe vera extract has inhibitory effects on Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, brewing yeast Aspergillus oryzae, and xylanase. It synergistically inhibits bacteria with sucrose and salt. Scanning electron microscopy technology further proves that aloe vera extract has the function of changing bacterial morphology and destroying bacterial structure. Aloe vera has significant anti-inflammatory activity.
4. Anti gastric ulcer effect
Aloe vera polysaccharides have a significant inhibitory effect on water stress ulcers, indomethacin, and ethanol bound ulcers.
5. Anti diabetes effect
Aloe is used for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, which has been recorded in many literatures. Its anti diabetic mechanism includes stimulating cell synthesis, releasing insulin, regulating glucose metabolism enzymes, balancing glucose metabolism, and enhancing muscle immunity. In addition, it also has the effects of improving the neurological and renal diseases of diabetes complications and promoting wound healing.
6. Anti aging effect
Free radical mediated injury is not only the basis of many diseases or related factors, but also the lipid peroxidation caused by it is an important sign of aging of living cells. Research shows that aloe polysaccharide ACM has a certain anti lipid peroxidation effect, not only has the anti-aging effect on aloe polysaccharide research shows that the effective ingredients flavonoids also have anti-aging effect. Yes, aloe vera has stronger antioxidant activity than a-lycopene, and 3-year-old aloe vera has the best anti-aging activity.
7. Other roles
In addition, many studies in recent years have found that,
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