Date:2023-03-16 Tap:913
In daily life, we often encounter unexpected situations such as burns, sprains, and bruises. At this time, we can use fresh leaves of soap aloe vera for treatment. The commonly used topical methods for fresh aloe vera leaves include the following:
1. Blade application method
This method is easy to use. Cut a small piece of aloe vera leaf from the lower part of the aloe vera plant planted at home. After cleaning, peel off the epidermis of the aloe vera leaves, and you can see a large amount of glue droplets in the leaves. Gently apply the juice evenly to the disinfected wound.
2. Applying the method of generating time
Take out a fresh aloe vera leaf, with a leaf area slightly larger than the injured or affected area. First, cut off the small teeth on both sides of the blade, and then cut the blade parallel from the middle of the upper and lower epidermis to form two thin slices with leaf flesh. After disinfection, apply it flat to the affected area and wrap it with gauze.
3. Wet cloth method
Firstly, cut the aloe vera leaves into small pieces and add an appropriate amount of water. Then, put a few pieces of gauze into the aloe vera leaf juice water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Then, pour the gauze and aloe vera juice into a clean and disinfected wide mouthed bottle, cover and store.
4. Drinking Aloe Vera Juice
For those who are not suitable for chewing leaf meat, they can also drink fresh aloe vera juice. The drinking method of aloe vera juice is very simple and effective. There are many ways to drink aloe vera juice, such as crushing aloe vera leaves and apples into juice, which is also a method that is beneficial for absorption. Aloe vera can also be stir fried in cooking oil and consumed. It can also be washed, thorned, mixed with other vegetables to make dishes, and so on.
5. Raw chewy leaf meat
Eating fresh aloe vera leaves directly is the best way to achieve powerful effects. Starting from the bottom of the aloe vera plant, cut a section of 3 or 4 centimeters long leaves in sequence, rinse with water, and then cut off the thorns or upper and lower epidermis around the leaves before consumption. Eating raw aloe vera leaf meat can have more conditioning and health benefits. The property of drugs is relatively slow, the dosage limit is not very strict, and the impact on the gastrointestinal tract is also significant.
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